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- I Putu Adi Wira Kusuma

I have been using this service for several years. Bought stuff, (software, flash disks, cables, portable hard drives, laptop, even had a laptop keyboard replaced, etc.) Very impressed with its honesty, reliability and speed. Excellent. The only "negative" is it's physical location. Not too bad for me because I live in Sanur.

- Philip

Penjual sangat ramah kepada pembeli, harga juga terjangkau untuk anak SMK , Recomended deh buat belanja disini

- Rizal Farhan

Pelayanan sangat ok. Kami akan terus mempercayakan keperluan IT di Hotel kami pada Bali-Computer.com

- Ngurah Arta Wiguna

I contacted Wayan at Bali-computer about ordering a Brother laser printer that was not otherwise available in Bali. I had previously tried ordering on Tokopedia but they did not have a payment option that worked for me. I went to Bali-Computers shop, ordered and paid for in advance and they delivered to my villa in 3 days. No fuss, no muss. And the total price was less than I would have paid on Tokopedia or to another local vendor. Thank you Bali-Computer. I would definitely deal with them again.

- Robert

Awalnya engga tahu mau cari pc yang bagus buat kantor .Searching di web,akhirnya menemukan bali-computer.com ini.. Dan ternyata pelayanan dan hasil kerjanya bagus sekali.Tidak hanya itu saja,saya yang gaptek mendapatkan informasi yang jelas untuk kebutuhan pc ini. Thankyou buat bantuannya dan sukses terus untuk bali-computer.com

- Alice

I wanted to build a custom PC for my light gaming and video editing. I have not built a PC for the last 10 years and I had a lot of questions on what I need for requirements. I spoke to Bali Computer personnel and they helped in every stage of this purchase., they were available on chat which is more convenient. After I decided what is good for me in terms of configuration., they built the PC within a week and delivered exactly on the day promised. All the products are original and working perfectly. I like their professionalism and trustworthyness and I will buy from them again. I also would recommend them for any of your PC nee ds.

- Sravana

Sukses terus Bali Computer, pelayanannya cepat, akurat, dan nyaman. Hasil rakitan PC gaming Skylake saya jadi sangat memuaskan. Terima kasih BC.

- Made Juniartha

Sukses dan terus berkembang utk Bali Computer, pelayanan cepat dan selalu memberikan info yg jelas tentang produknya melalui BBM atau via telpon. Jempol buat Bali Computer.

- Sudiarta

Toko ramah, terpercaya dan fast respond. recommended banget. COD delivery on time (y)

- Hermawan


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